Saturday, November 29, 2008

Questions and Answers, Ji- Li (Ambrin)

1. How has Mao’s revolution and his rules effected your life? Can you give some examples? Did this create any problems between you and your family or friends? If so, how?

Mao's revolution and rules have effected my life in a negative way. Some incidents that have occurred because of Chairman Mao,the revolution and his rules are; as shown on pg.9 and 10 I wasn't able to participate in the Liberation Army Performing Troupe because my father had told me that our family has political problems and if they inquired in to our family background not only will we not pass the test but our family political problem will be revealed. Another incident as shown on pg.58 is that I don't get elected as a red guard because my I belong to a black family. I had a grand-father who was a landlord and I had never seen him before. He had died for over 30 years but I was still accused of being related to him, and wasn't elected as a red guard, which was my dream.
This revolution and Mao and his rules really created a problem in my life. The problems that it created in between my family and me were; as shown on pg.214-215, when my mom was very sick, I had been persuaded and mentally pressured to change my family name. And when I went to do this horrible thing officer Ma told me that I had to break with my family to get my last name changed, but thats not what I wanted. Thank fully I was in my senses and left that place. Now that I think about it, I could never hurt my parents, at least not purposely. The problem that I had with my friends was that their were people who I were friends with me before this revolution started and before they new about my black family backgroumd and after they found out, they ended up writing a Da-zi-boa about me. This was shown on pg.48-50. This was only because of Mao's "Five Black Categories". All my friends were brain washed. They made up things that had nothing to do with the revolution and still tied that negative thing with my class status. Also on page 179, my grand-ma tells me about my dad getting locked up and not returning home from the strugge meeting. I was shocked and it was Chinese New Years Eve. Normally everyone would be excited and now the whole house was depressed. Mom fell sick. All of his was literally mental torture for me.

2. Did you ever feel that Mao's doing something wrong? If so, were there any incidents related to it?

Yes. I did feel that Mao was wrong at times, but I didn't want to express my self or else I would have been humiliated more. One of the incidents where I felt this, was on pg.108, where Old Qian was beaten up by the Red Guards. It was very harsh. I know I felt very bad but I didn't show my feelings, because or else one of the supporters of this action would accuse me and humiliate me by bringing up my class status and parents.

3. You were a very bright and intelligent student. Did you ever get stopped on going further in your education because you were a "black whelp?" Explain how? Did this pressure you a lot?

Yes. I was stopped many times. As shown on pg.228, I didn't get to participate in the class exhibition because I had a black family background. Even though my presentation was really good and everyone enjoyed it. This pressured me very badly. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I suffered a lot mentally.

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